The Conscious Creator Podcast

[EP7] How You Can Actually Slow Down To Be More Productive | Mike Prince

Mike Prince Season 1 Episode 7

In this solo-episode Mike Prince explores the concept of “Busy”. The pride some of us hold with filling our lives full of “things to do” and how it ultimately doesn’t serve us. If we truly want to create more space in our lives we must first start by assessing where we are currently spending our time and if it is as valuable as we think.

Episode Quotes

“It’s incredible, when we learn to slow down. What we can get achieved and accomplished” - Mike Prince

“If you don’t truly assess where you’re putting your time then it’s not going to change and you are going to burn yourself out. If you’re not setting limits and hard lines to ask yourself, do I need to be checking my emails at 10pm at night, etc?” - Mike Prince

“If you are not finding space in your life for yourself, than you are good to nobody, including yourself” - Mike Prince

“You need to schedule that stuff in as any other meeting, it is a meeting with yourself, it should be the most important meeting on your calendar” - Mike Prince

“Beyond all these roles that we play in life. We are human. We are all humans interacting and if you wake up in the morning and you don’t have energy and you’re lacking these things because you’re not giving yourself the required self love you will not able to perform in any of these roles” - Mike Prince

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