The Conscious Creator Podcast

[EP9] “If I Can” (A Man Born With No Arms Or Legs), So Can YOU! | Chris Koch

Chris Koch Season 1 Episode 9

Chris Koch is an inspirational speaker, a philanthropist, a damn good uncle, a true born farmer and has a zest for life that most desire for their entire lives. Being born with no arms and no legs, this did not slow him down and he shares why with the way that he was raised and the outlook his family had to do less for him, so that he would learn more. Chris travels the world sharing his message with others with his brand “If I Can” and he truly embodies everything that it represents along his adventures and in daily life. Beyond all of this, he’s a down to earth human with a great heart and I was honored to get to spend some time with him in this chat.

Episode Quotes

“I’m way more afraid of regret than failure, failure is fear based so I just kind of kick that out of the way and do” - Chris Koch 

“My grandma’s reaction to hearing that I was born with no arms and no legs, she said well my Dad never did finish anything he started” - Chris Koch 

“A simple gratitude practice makes all the difference” - Chris Koch 

“If a guy without arms and legs can go efoiling, snowboard, travel the world, work on the farm or even live a happy independent life anyone can” - Chris Koch 

“Every single one of us is capable of doing some awesome, amazing and exceptional things and it has nothing to do with limbs or physical ability and everything to do with the 6 inches of space between our ears” - Chris Koch

Episode Resources Mentioned

Make Life Happen - 

Guest Contact Info

Website - 
Insta - @ifican.chriskoch